The advisory team from Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas was led by Iqbal Khan, former Senior Equity Partner, alongside Ashid Basheer, Principal Associate; Pratyush Hari, Senior Associate; Ayushi Choudhary, Associate; Gunjan Singh, Associate; and Raviraj Zinzuvadia, Associate. The dispute resolution team, under the guidance of Shreya Jain, Partner, and Juhi Gupta, Counsel, also played a crucial role. Additionally, the employment law team was led by Pooja Ramchandani, Equity Partner, and Suruchi Kumar, Partner.
Asia Index was established in 2013 as a 50:50 joint venture between SPDJ Singapore Pte. Ltd., a subsidiary of S&P Dow Jones Indices, and BSE. The company is responsible for calculating, disseminating, and licensing a comprehensive suite of S&P BSE indices, including the Sensex, for both domestic and international clients. These indices are widely used for benchmarking and serve as the basis for various financial instruments, such as ETFs and index funds.
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